what do you believe?
Too often and sometimes without knowing it, we've allowed people, experiences, and chance to dictate what we believe about ourselves. The problem with this way of believing is that it puts someone else in control of our destiny.
Our beliefs point in the direction of our future. If you don't like the direction those beliefs are pointing, now is a great opportunity to do something about it. It's time to take your future in your own hands and quit leaving it to chance. During this course I’ll share practical tips to create, regain, and maintain the belief you may have lost.
For years I struggled wondering whether or not I would end up any different than my mother and father. My mom committed suicide because she was never able to overcome her internal struggles. My dad was broke and on his fourth marriage when he finally lost the battle to cancer. I had to fight to create a belief in myself that was bigger than what I’d seen growing up. I had to change what society would say about a kid who came from a broken home and had lost both parents. I wasn’t supposed to succeed, but I have and so can you. It is possible and I’m living proof. That’s why this course exists.
During this course we take a deep dive into the second Chapter of my book Step, titled "The Mindset." We'll walk together through the process of understanding why we believe what we do. Then, we'll wipe the slate clean and discover how to shape a new set of beliefs that point in the direction we choose!
"You’ll never take a risk on yourself If you don’t believe in yourself.”
Is this for You?
If you answer "yes" to any of the following questions, the Belief Course is for you:
Have you lost belief in yourself?
Have you given up on your dreams?
Have you forgotten what it feels like to know you can?
Has the belief in yourself been stripped away by the words other people have said to you?
Do you need help knowing what to believe about yourself?
Do you have a dream, but find yourself not believing you can accomplish it?
- Do you want to change the way you think about yourself?
What You Get
shaping belief workbook
An interactive workbook designed to help you navigate shaping a new set of beliefs.
60+ video lessons
Sign-up for the Intentional Year Video Library and get access to over 60 video lessons including 20 lessons from Shaping Belief. Click here to learn more.