dedicated to making your team unstoppable.

This is a 12 month program dedicated to making your team unstoppable. The Intentional Year is specifically designed help the individuals on your team become the best version of themselves which will in turn create the best version of your organization. It consists of 4 three month modules: Life Story, Shaping Belief, #Goals, and The “Blank” Leader. 


The Intentional Year Program Includes:

  • 4 One Day Workshops

  • Shaping Belief Workbook and Video Course

  • The “Blank” Leader Workbook and Video Course

  • #Goals Workbook and Video Course

  • Life Story Workbook and Video Course

  • The “Blank” Leader Workbook and Video Course

Expected Results Include:

  • More Effective Goal Setting (Personal and Organizational)

  • Consistent Milestone Achievement

  • Increased Communication 

  • Increased Strategic Thinking and Planning

  • Increased Leadership Ratings

  • Increased Collaborative Problem Solving

  • Increased Sense of Individual and Organizational Belief


    The Modules

    The Intentional Year for teams includes the following modules. Each module can be done as a standalone option or packaged together as a part of the Intentional Year program for teams. 

    Life Story

    Every day our actions are writing a page in our story. By writing the ending of our story ahead of time, we can build a daily plan that makes that end possible. 

    In this module participants will:
    Learn How to Find Time for Things That Matter
    Identify “Time Thieves” 
    Define Life Purpose
    Define Life Priorities
    Define Core Values
    Create Time and Priority Guardrails
    Create a Realistic Plan for Their Desired Life

    The Life Story workshop gives participants the opportunity to write the story they want for their lives (personal, family, career, and business) while creating a practical plan for doing it. Give your team an injection of purpose by providing the Life Story.

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    Life Story Module Includes:
    One Day Workshop
    Life Story Workbook

    Additional Options:
    The Intentional Year Video Library
    Follow-up Group Coaching
    One-on-One Coaching


    Shaping Belief

    “Our beliefs point in the direction of our future.” It’s an often overlooked fact that the beliefs of an individual impacts the results of an organization. What we believe determines what we will achieve, both personally, and as a part of a team. During this impactful workshop, Chris shares how to create, regain, and maintain a belief consistent with one’s goals.

    In this module participants will: 
    Define Current State of Beliefs
    Expose Words, People, and Situations That Have Created Bad Beliefs
    Eliminate Bad Beliefs
    Define Desired Personal Beliefs
    Create a Systematic Plan for Reshaping Beliefs
    Belief Impact Analysis






    Shaping Belief Module Includes:
    One Day Workshop
    Shaping Belief Workbook

    Additional Options:
    The Intentional Year Video Library
    Follow-up Group Coaching
    One-on-One Coaching



     Is it possible to achieve our goals? Statistics say that only a small percentage of people, teams or organizations who set goals will actually accomplish them. But you don’t have to be a statistic.  

    Whatever the goal, this module will help you along the path. Now is the time for you to equip yourself and your team to achieve their goals.

    In this module participants will: 
    Create More Effective Goals
    Define Achievable Milestones
    Define a “Step” Plan  (from Chris’ book Step)
    Create an Antidote to Giving Up
    Identify Potential Roadblocks
    Create a Plan for Winning Each Day




    #Goals Module Includes:
    One Day Workshop
    #Goals Workbook

    Additional Options:
    The Intentional Year Video Library
    Follow-up Group Coaching
    One-on-One Coaching


    THe "________" leader

    Chris explains in this module that no matter one’s title or position, we are always leading. Then, sheds light into what he calls a “Thriving Leader.” Breaking down the idea that every action a leader takes receives a grade, but for leaders this grade comes in the form of adjectives that sit in front of the word leader when people describe them. Leaders from any background or position will leave with practical steps to become a more dynamic, strategic, and effective leader

    In this module participants will:
    Assess their Leadership Grade (using Chris’ Leadership Spectrum)
    Discover the Individual Characteristics Needed to Become a “Thriving Leader”
    Deep Dive into 10 Key Qualities of a “Thriving Leader”
    Collaboratively Problem Solve Leadership Challenges
    Create an Action Plan for Becoming a More Effective Leader




    The "Blank" Leader Module Includes:
    One Day Workshop
    The "Blank" Leader Workbook

    Additional Options:
    The Intentional Year Video Library
    Follow-up Group Coaching
    One-on-One Coaching


    For more information about any of the Intentional Year Modules email:

    Or fill out the form below.
