Quit Paying Your Employer
We go hard all week long. We go hard all weekend long. We go hard all month long.
Let's just be honest, we go hard all of the time.
I recently read an article on Time.com that quoted Cheryl Rosner, CEO of Stayful.com, a hotel bidding and booking site saying, “It’s an epidemic of overwork. Forty-one percent of Americans don’t take their paid time off. On those days, you’re paying your employer to be at work.”
That's crazy! Why though? There are all types of reasons, but honestly they don't matter. The point is we need rest. We need time away and we need to unplug or we will fry our circuits. Not to mention, we might put in jeopardy the very things we are working so hard for (family, job, dreams, etc).
This year has been one of the best for my family in almost all areas. We've accomplished more this year than the last several combined. However, the rest department has been a bit neglected. I'll be honest, I've been really bad at resting this year.
So, in the spirit of transparency I'm taking a real break. After I post this article, I'm going dark. I'm tempted to put my phone in the drawer and not look at it until after Christmas, but I know my wife will need to get a hold of me.
Here's what I'm doing:
- Turning off social and email notifications
- Placing an auto-responder on email accounts
- Putting my computer away (minus last minute online shopping)
- Any anything else my wife tells me to do :)
Because I do all of that I can do this:
- Focus on family
- Read
- Reflect on God's blessings in my life
- Truly rest
- Any anything else my wife tells me to do :)
I don't know what your plans are, but take my humble suggestion. Turn off for the next few days. You'll be glad you did or I'll give you your money back!