Finding a Rhythm: You're a Writer Part 2
In last week’s post, “You’re a Writer … Whether You Like It or Not”, our eyes were opened to the reality that we’re writing a story every day with our actions, whether we realize it or not. My encouragement was to be proactive about writing the story we want to live instead of letting “chance” write it for us. There are many ways to write the story you want to live, but if you’re unsure how to do it, consider giving my free Life Story guide a try. This week I continue on the same path with part two. Enjoy!
Many of us haven’t touched the art of writing since our school days, and remembering how to approach that blank page can be somewhat daunting. Figuring out what you want to do in life and writing your Life Story can seem overwhelming if you don’t first set yourself up for success. Before you get started, let’s discover how to make writing your story an inviting endeavor instead of a task you avoid.
There are three key elements to consider as we hone our writing rhythm: Our time, our environment, and our method.
Time. Are you a morning person or a night owl? What time of the day do you find it easiest to focus? Are weekends or weekdays better for you? Once you find the time of day and week that works best, then look at time frames. Is it more natural for you to sit down for 20-30 minutes every day, tackling small chunks at a time? Or is it more appealing to get the fire going, coffee in hand, and settle in for hours? Whatever the specific elements end up being that suit you best, arrange time on your calendar that fits you. This small detail will set you up for successfully completing the task at hand.
Environment. Where do you think best? Is it away from the pull of household duties like laundry, meal prep, and those potentially looming bills that need to be paid? Or do you enjoy the setup you have at home: a clean desk, a comfy couch, and an inviting deck with a view? Maybe you like the buzz of a coffee shop while wearing a good pair of headphones or a quiet bookstore. Discovering your environment will be dynamic in motivating you to write with the correct perspective. It will spark creativity and good feelings (not stress or distraction). It will be a realistic option for regular writing and will draw you in. The right environment will allow you to look forward to this time instead of dreading it. Most people find that a change in environment brings a change in the way we think. And a change in the way we think can mean a change in the things we can achieve.
Method. Are you a creative writer or do you prefer a guide? Do you color in the lines or create your own lines? We each have a method that works best for us and allows our personality to shine. To be honest, I’ve found that at times I can be someone who creates my own lines, and at other times I need a guide to trace. The point here is that we all have unique approaches to tackling the writing of the story we want to live. For years, I did it without any guide and it worked. Now, I find that using a guide like what I’ve created with Life Story can be very helpful. The point is to realize that there’s not necessarily a right or wrong way to go about this, there’s just a way that fits you and even more specifically, fits you today. Know yourself and let that guide your method of writing.
Use these three tips to create excitement about writing your story instead of fear. Think outside of the box. Discover yourself a little more as you consider what works for you and use it in other areas of your life too. Try and try again. If you try one method or environment and it turns out to be frustrating, adjust it!
Learn what fits you and do that!